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Yellow Angel - Coral Sea


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Yellow Angel - Coral Sea
Centropyge heraldi
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Local de origem: 
Mar de Coral
Western Pacific, ranging from Taiwan and southern Japan to northern Indonesia, and along eastern New Guinea to the Coral Sea: and in central Pacific, the Marianas and the Marshalls, and east to the Tuamotu Archipelago. Clear oceanic locations, usually reef slopes at the bottom of drop-offs. Reported from shallow depths, but in most locations it occurs deep. On the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef they are most common at 40-50m where they are in small groups on rubble with stringy sponges. In Micronesia they can be found on reef flats as shallow as 5m. Easily identified by its plain yellow colour, males with darker markings behind the eye. Length to 10cm.
They are commonly referred to as pygmy angelfishes, due to their generally much smaller size than other angelfish genera. The species are variably distributed in tropical and subtropical seas of the world. Few have large geographical distributions and some are endemic to tiny oceanic outposts, an island , or small island group. They occur on algal-rocky and coral reefs, and most species live in shallow waters at depths to about 15m,  but some range to 70m or more, and a few inhabit only depths of more than 50m. Pygmy angelfishes are quick-darting and often shy species that hug the substrates with tunnels and crevices, ready to disappear and appear again several metres away.

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