Accueil / Tmc / Animaux / Poissons / Gobios / Saffron Goby West Ind Ocean

Saffron Goby - West Ind Ocean


Saffron Goby - West Ind Ocean
Gobiodon citrinus
Lieu d'origine: 
Océan Indien occidental

Saffron Goby - West Ind Ocean, Gobiodon citrinus, is a species of goby native to the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea and the coast of Africa to the western Pacific Ocean to Japan, Samoa and the Great Barrier Reef. They are reef dwellers being found at depths of from 2 to 20 metres and in association with Acropora corals. The mucus produced by this fish is toxic. They grow to a length of 6.6 centimetres.They have varied body colour and could be either dark brown, or pale yellow. They also have blue vertical lines that go around their eyes and gills.

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